BLOG — science
Back Exercises You Don't Do, And Probably Should
While arms and chest often take precedent over the muscle groups behind us, nothing is more impressive than a big muscular back. The back muscles are an impressive group to train. They have so many functions and can be hit in so many ways, from so many angles, using such a variety of exercises. That said, as always you should focus on staples such as pull-ups, rows, and a few pull-downs. The problem with back training is, a lot of ego gets in the way and form often gets sacrificed. While it's important to move a decent amount of weight and put some...
How Much Protein Do You Really Need?
One macronutrient has taken centre stage in people's quest to grow muscle, and that is protein. This is for a good reason too, as protein contains essential amino acids that our body uses to build muscle tissue. So you can see why this is handy in our line of work. In the health and fitness world, you hear many different things when it comes to how much protein you should be consuming. The big guy in the gym might tell you that you need to eat as much as possible, and he'll have you downing whey protein shakes with ungodly amounts of...
Training Muscles Twice Per Week Guide: Gym Meal's Best Routines
How many times you train a muscle group per week is often a highly debated topic. Traditionally, especially in bodybuilding circles, it's believed that training a muscle group once a week is the best approach to growing muscle. This is mainly due to the belief that if you train a muscle more than once in a given week, it can lead to 'overtraining' and doesn't allow adequate time for your muscles to grow. Although there is limited research on the topic, one summary of research showed that training muscle groups twice per week led to more growth than training them that once...
Should You Be Cycling Caffeine?
Caffeine is without a doubt the most consumed drug on the planet. There are millions of people who can't start a day without their warm hit of morning caffeine (myself included). Caffeine gets students through University and has saved many a person from falling asleep, in desperate times, or even every day at work. There is no disputing it, the world loves its caffeine. The majority of us folk that go to the gym or workout take caffeine for different reasons than the general public. Caffeine is a well known ergogenic aid (something that enhances performance in sport and exercise) and its benefits...
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