Well! Since the COVID baking season may be slowing down now that most of us are back to some sort of normal routine with work and daily life, this does not dismiss the common question of how these sweet and savoury at home treats can affect our progress / diet. Alongside the classic baking, coming into summer, there are a lot of opportunities to have and make at home delicacies, ranging from an afternoon platter, homemade ice creams, picnics with the gang, the question remains, how do I include this into my some-what regular routine and stay on track? Or, does it even really effect my progress at all?
Truth is, one meal in a week, will usually not hinder your ongoing progress, unless you indulge and over-consume in an extensive way (think all the types of processed foods in one day, rather than one meal), your one meal, picnic, treat, will not cause you any damage in your progress, weather you are aiming to simply eat cleaner, lose weight, etc. This one meal will, at most, will simply have you hold onto some excess water. So, if you are someone who weighs yourself daily, and you wake up the following day to find 0.5-1/2kg increase in weight, this is NOT fat, that is not how quickly we can gain legitimate fat mass! It is mostly water, and probably the fact you haven’t been to the toilet yet.
As far as balancing, to include a meal out, a dessert, picnic etc in your diet, does not require you to fast for 16 hours afterwards, does not require you to skip any other meal on that same day, these extensive measures are used far too often, and usually lead into a loop where you find yourself eating out, missing breakfast the next day maybe due to guilt, then you might do it again later on. When really, that one meal off track is not going to hinder your progress. I encourage a meal off track, or a treat here or there as it allows for flexibility within our diet and this is where balance is established. However it also means that that meal or treat is a one off for that week, not so much an everyday type of thing. Allowing this flexibility will help create a constructive and longer lasting routine, which in turn will encourage consistency, leading to you still achieving your goals.
Everyone wants to enjoy their fitness and health journey, and being incredibly restrictive is one way to do it, however it isn’t something that we can do indefinitely, at least not without going crazy. So, leading into summer, while we are chasing after those summer bodies, still allow yourself a baked treat, a meal / picnic out with friends as these are fuel for the soul and will allow us to appreciate these foods when we do eat them! Consistency is key.
- Bec B